God sends us messages in very simple ways & by simple means

Spiritual Thought:
Never ever argue or attempt to argue with a woman!

Will Relgion Cure Alcoholism Or Addiction

No: The best for thing people to do who are hooked on alcohol or drugs is to attend twelve step meetings conducted by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA)& use these for help in addition to their religious beliefs. It would also help if their family members, friends & loved ones would attend Al-Anon meetings.
Do yourself a favor & do not argue this point as alcoholism & drug addiction are fatal to both believers & non-believers (an equal opportunity killer).

Is the Bible & Religion For Everyone?

Answer: No. The Bible & Religion are there for people who want it & not people who need it.

Scientist Have Figured Out God & Religion

There were a couple of scientist down at the pond the other day who came from the university. They were pondering how the 350 year old cottonwood tree got there where it is planted.

A 5 year old girl standing nearby & over-hearing their debates said: I know where this tree came form! God made it & planted it right here 350 years ago.

The scientist looked at each other & asked themselves could they prove her wrong?

You know the answer to that & if you don't you need to stop studying so much & start listening to what some of the kids have to say.

Sometimes we human beings can be just to smart for our own good.

The truth is the scientific community with all their education, knowledge & research all combined do not know their ass from a hole in the ground about how anything or any of us got here in the beginning.

They use big words & big thoughts but their answers are always nil!

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Answer: No one knows the answer to this question & never will.
We simply accept that & move on as there is nothing else we can do about it.
Many like to say that is God's Will for us or them like it or not or in the case of The Kennedy Family they called it God's Sickening Will.Yes, God Works In Strange Ways is an understatement for sure.

New religion condensed & simplified

New Religion: If it ain't right do not think it, say it or do it.

What goes around always comes around

That old golden rule again. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you or it will & shall come back & bite thee in thine own ass & ouch thyself for enternity.

A Higher Power With Some Skin On It.

Spiritual thoughts: He sends the good news through others who speak truth!

A Rich Man Is Not The One That Has The Most But The One That Needs The Least

Spiriual Thoughts: Did you get that?

Let He Who Has Not Sinned Cast The First Stone

Spiritual Thought: Jesus stood before the crowd & said: "let he who has not sinned cast the first stone" All of a sudden a large stone flew out of the crowd & hit him right between the eyes & knocked him off his feet. Dazed to say the least he wobbled to his feet & began to look the crowd over carefully & simply said: Is that you again mother?

Are Human Beings Perfect?

Spiritual Thoughts: "You would think so by the way they often speak"

Who Knows More About God Than You?

Spiritual Thoughts: The answer to all why questions is simply "because"

PS: if you ever run across a human being that somehow knows more about God than you please let me know. I would like to avoid him.

It Is Suggested That You Read The Bible

Spiritual Thought: Suggestions: If you are going to jump out of an airplane while in flight it is suggested that you put on a parachute first & so it is with religion!

Who You Are Speaks Louder Than What You Say!

Spiritual Thought:

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can not fool all the people all of the time!

Sinners Read This Bible & Cram For The Finals

Spiritual Thought:

It is never to late to change your mind about anything!

Are Material Things More Important Than Anything?

Spiritual Thought:

You can not take it with you & even if you could it would probably burn!

God Could Care Less What You Believe

I always get a kick out of people that say I don't believe or believe in this or that.

Big EGO? (Edging God Out)

Spiritual Thought:

Sometimes It Ain't Good To Be To Smart!