There were a couple of scientist down at the pond the other day who came from the university. They were pondering how the 350 year old cottonwood tree got there where it is planted.
A 5 year old girl standing nearby & over-hearing their debates said: I know where this tree came form! God made it & planted it right here 350 years ago.
The scientist looked at each other & asked themselves could they prove her wrong?
You know the answer to that & if you don't you need to stop studying so much & start listening to what some of the kids have to say.
Sometimes we human beings can be just to smart for our own good.
The truth is the scientific community with all their education, knowledge & research all combined do not know their ass from a hole in the ground about how anything or any of us got here in the beginning.
They use big words & big thoughts but their answers are always nil!